Mitch Dickman




Film/Video Production

Mitch Dickman has been working in the film and television industry for over 20 years and has been a part of hundreds of projects spanning all genres, formats, and styles. He was named one of the “Top 10 Documakers to Watch” by Variety Magazine. Recent credits include the Emmy award winning Anti-Human Trafficking Public Service Announcement Campaign (Producer/Director 2022), Silent Rose (Producer/Director – Topic Streaming 2020), Casting Jon Benet (Producer – Netflix – Sundance 2017), Speaking is Difficult (Cinematographer – Sundance 2016), Rolling Papers (Producer/Director – SXSW 2015), Being Evel (Line Producer – Sundance 2015) and Hanna Ranch (Producer/Director – NY Times Critics Pick 2014). Mitch holds a BFA in Film/Television with a minor in Political Science from the University of Colorado at Denver. Mitch has a passion for education and has taught as adjunct faculty at the College of Arts and Media for UCD for the last 5 years and he has also partnered with other educational institutions around the state. Mitch sits on the boards of Warm Cookies of the Revolution (the first civic health club in the world) and a Cine Fe (a creative incubator for Colorado’s film industry, committed to identifying and supporting underrepresented voices). He lives in North Denver with his wife, daughter, 2 dogs and cat.