
Course Description:

The Pre-law program is new to CEC this year. Students in the Pre-law program learn about how the legal system works and the basic duties, responsibilities and tasks that legal professionals perform on a daily basis. In this two-year program, students will take classes including: Intro to Law, Civil Litigation, Criminal Law, Constitutional Law, Evidence, Torts, Legal Research and Legal Writing. Students engage in authentic learning exercises and activities including mock trials, debates, reading and discussing real cases, drafting pleadings and related trial documents and interpreting ethical scenarios. Students develop their reading, writing and speaking skills and increase their critical thinking and analytical skills through class projects and assignments. Upon successful completion of our two year program, students will earn a paralegal certificate from Community College of Denver.  Students could also have the opportunity to complete internships through CCD and earn an Associate’s degree. 

Program LengthProgram TimesHigh School Credits
Four semestersAM: 8:20-10:45
PM: 1:15-3:50
15 Elective Credits
College Credit

Semester 1Semester 2
PAR 1115: Introduction to Law
PAR 2201: Civil Litigation
PAR 2205
PAR 2209

Must complege all College courses and internships to achieve capstone completion.

Industry Certifications

Paralegal Certification (after four semesters)

Related Careers
  • Paralegal
  • Lawyer
  • Judge
  • Court Recorder
  • County Clerk
Pre-Law Faculty

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Speak with your school counselor about attending part-time or contact CEC Counselor, Zachary Williams for more information.