Category: News

CEC Newsletter: 11/17/2023

November marks the start of the finish line for the first semester, read some encouraging words to finish strong, find out how your friends can come to CEC and check out many other resources/activities going on at our school andContinue Reading

CEC Newsletter: 10/10/2023

As autumn sets in, we hope that you and your family are snuggled up and enjoying the crisp air this fall season. Our school year has kicked off to a fantastic start, with both teachers and students diving headfirst intoContinue Reading

CEC Final Exam Schedule

Students, please bring your chromebooks fully charged and charger. We will have a normal schedule on all final exam days, Dec 7, 8, 11, and 12, including advisement. (Friday, December 8 will be a Stripe Day). On days students areContinue Reading

Open House, December 06, 2023

Come find out more about what CEC has to offer and how to apply. No need to make an appointment, just show up between the designated hours. Casa Abierta, 06 de Diciembre, 2023 Ven y descubre más sobre lo queContinue Reading

Letter from Principal regarding safety incident

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Back to School Night, Sept 14

Dear CEC Full-time/Part-time Families,  Join us for Back to School Night on Thursday, Sept 14 from 4:30-6:30 PM, one of our most important events of the year. It’s a time to connect, learn about your child’s environment and how toContinue Reading

Lifetouch Picture Day

Students will take individual photos during their scheduled CTE classes. All full-time and part-time must take an individual photo that will be used for their student ID, which they will receive on the same day. Students are expected to carryContinue Reading

Ninth Grade Academy 2023-2024

All incoming 9th grade students are required to attend Ninth Grade Academy (NGA). Please register for NGA before August 7th by either, scanning the QR code or clicking the register here button below. Academia de Noveno Grado 2023-2024 Se requiereContinue Reading

Share Your Voice: Do you want a School Resource Officer at CEC?

Our Denver Public Schools Superintendent, Alex Marrero has tasked CEC with determining whether or not our community would like to request a School Resource Officer (SRO) for the 2023-24 school year.  The School Resource Officer is a Police Officer withContinue Reading

Class of 2023 Graduation

Graduation Photos Congratulations to the Class of 2023. Even though the day is over, the memories are just beginning! Use the link below view/purchase photos of the ceremony, please click and enter access code: 313441GY23 Graduation Guide Click on theContinue Reading

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