Full-time Enrollment

Students at CEC Early College

How to Become a Full-Time Student

CEC Early College is a choice school in Denver Public Schools.  This means you apply to SchoolChoice, when the window opens, and SchoolChoice does the rest.  SchoolChoice combines your student’s top preferences with each school’s admissions priorities and available space. All students are randomly assigned a lottery number that will determine at which school they are awarded a seat. Students will be awarded a seat at their highest-preference school with an available seat. You will be notified in late March.

Step 1: Submit a SchoolChoice application (online only), ranking CEC Early College as one of your top choices. Round 1 of School of Choice application opens on January 15th at 10:00 am. and ends on February 18th at 4 pm.

Step 2: Parent/Student Information Meeting
If your student is selected during Round 1 of the SchoolChoice process, you will need to attend a mandatory Parent/Student Information Meeting. Date to be determined in May.

Criteria for Success at CEC

CEC Student Agreements for CTE classes:

Our agreement to our Students in CTE classrooms:

At CEC All Students:

Other Criteria for Success: