Visiting a college is a wonderful way to find out about programs, scholarships, student activities, etc.
Tips for the FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid—how you get free money from the government and colleges)
*****CEC will host FAFSA workshops to help you complete the FAFSA. Make sure you sign up to attend (in Senior Seminar) or email senior counselor Michele Roth-Stobbe at to sign up.
College (or Scholarship) Application Essays
Check out WUE schools. WUE (Western Undergraduate Exchange) allows you to attend certain out-of-state schools without the out-of-state tuition. Partner schools are located in states including Hawaii, Arizona, California, Montana, Wyoming, Washington and Oregon. It can be cheaper to go to one of these out-of-state schools than it is to go to a Colorado school!
Out of state schools have visit days, too, and will often fly you out or help pay for costs for you to visit.
For questions, please contact Michele Roth-Stobbe