Category: News

CEC Registration

Traducción al español a continuación Hello CEC Families! CEC is requiring all families to register their student online by completing the Annual Family Update. AFU will be available from July 27 to Monday August 17th. While completing your online registration,Continue Reading

Family information sessions/ Sesiones informativas familiares

CEC Students and Families, we miss you, and we are excited to start the school year with you. We know that you may have some questions right now, so we are having optional family meetings on Monday, July 27 viaContinue Reading

Parent/Teacher Home Visits – Visitas al hogar de padres / maestros

CEC Community, We are continuing our efforts to get to know all our new families thru virtual meetings. At CEC we have an ongoing PTHV(Parent Teacher Home Visit) Program by which we schedule home visits with teachers, administrators, students andContinue Reading

9th Grade Academy/ Academia de noveno grado

We are excited to again host Ninth Grade Academy for the 12th consecutive year.  It is mandatory for all incoming 9th graders and will run August 3 – August 7th.  During Ninth Grade Academy, students will plan for success inContinue Reading

TONIGHT! Virtual Graduation! 5/28 @ 5pm

Today is the day! Virtual graduation tonight at 5pm. Link posted below is live at 5pm for your viewing pleasure. Thank you graduates for a wonderful year! This is all well deserved and we hope to have a live graduationContinue Reading

Annual Family Update for 20-21 school year.

Hello CEC Families! Save time during fall registration by quickly updating your student’s information online this spring. The “Early Bird” window for Annual Family Update is open now through May 31 at 4 p.m. As you know, all information forContinue Reading

Welcome New Families for 2020!/Bienvenidas Nuevas Familias para Otono 2020!

Please join us for a meet and greet via Google on Tuesday 5/26/2020 from 6-7pm. We will introduce our new Principal, Mr. Roland Shaw and thank out going Principal, Ms. Jamie Lofaro. The meeting is an open forum about schoolContinue Reading

Principal Announcement for CEC Early College

 Dear CEC Early College Staff, Students and Families,  Our principal, Jamie Lofaro, announced that at the end of this school year, she will be retiring from CEC Early College and Denver Public Schools. She has been a valuable member ofContinue Reading

CEC Grading during COVID-19/ Calificación de la CCA durante COVID-19

Dear CEC Community, We hope that you and your family are doing well during this challenging time. As Superintendent Cordova shared last week, DPS has provided updated guidance on how grading will work for students in 9-12th grades. We wantContinue Reading

CEC Announcement/ Anuncio de la CEC

Dear CEC Community: This is undoubtedly the strangest time of my life; I imagine it is for many of you as well. However, I’ve never been prouder to say I work at CEC. The entire CEC Family, students, parents, staff andContinue Reading

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